Women Rights, can gender differences cause Disputes?

-Respecting Women
Today, being in a society where technology is at its peak, the fact that most common issue of violence against women is still lying there is heart breaking and heinous. We often are hearing cases of domestic violence, harassment, trafficking and rapes every second day and this rate has constantly increased.We must put efforts to confront the situation.The United States has a rape rate of 27.3. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/rape-statistics-by-country

●Women Social Rights

The concepts related to Women Social Rights are not delivered to Everybody the way they should be. A society whose women are insecure shouldn’t be called a society. Different ideological perceptions make variant decisions based on the inputs. The inputs are needed to be fed again. Woman is not a toy to play and have fun with. She is not there for the satisfaction of man only. With the advancements we need to put in the right direction for boys too.The unsolicited comments by boys under videos by girls describe clearly the poor mentality of this generation. Every school has the responsibility to educate its students enough to respect a woman and if it fails in achieving this goal, it can’t claim to educate a guy. Respect is the right of every single woman.
☆ A Worthy Lesson From 7th Century:

Education based on how the “Prophet Muhammad S.A.W (PEACE BE UPON HIM)” treated woman who was the Head of state Madinah ,more than 1400 years ago is exemplary and inimitable. He (Peace Be Upon Him) treated His sons and daughters equally at the time in 7th Century where even the right to live for women was questioned. The Arabs burried there daughters alive. They not only treated them unequally, they also used to harass them as much as they wished to if they didn’t followed there desires. Woman was considered nothing more than a slave who couldn’t even breathe with her own will. Biology proves that males are more stronger physically than women but this strength should be utilised in defending her not harassment. Whenever His daughter Fatima (R.A) Arrive to meet Him, He (Peace Be Upon Him) layed His headscarf on floor and asked her to sit near by Him, kissed her hands and throat. This level of respect and love should be taught to the people of 21st generation so they might not adapt the wildness of 7th generation humanity. Men today need to learn from His acts of kindness.
☆16 Million Girls are Deprived of Education

Respect is the right of every single Human on Earth weather a criminal or a judge. But when we overcome the fact that 16 million girls will never set foot in a classroom (UNESCO Institute for Statistics) — and women account for two thirds of the 750 million adults without basic literacy skills.( http://uis.unesco.org/ ) due to poverty, backward mindsets, stubborn elders, sexism, violence, stalkers and gropes, it feels atrocious in 21st century.
•Mother; The 1st Educator
The learning process begins from within wombs and so Mother is called the first educator of her child. The elements of respect must be taught to boys from early childhood.
•God has choosed Women to fight the pain of giving birth. And that shows that men can never be that kind and strong to handle it. Women should be given equal rights as men and law and education are the basic weapons we have to fight with this mentality. We should teach men not to walk ahead but walk with the ladies. Women is soft hearted and kind. They should be treated gently and calmly. She has the right to say NO and NO MEANS NO.

•Men often confuse their strengths thinking that they are allowed to do whatever they want but respecting opinions of every “HOMO-SAPIEN” is what makes you a Human.
☆Acknowledging The Evil Fact

Me being a 17 year boy often notice the fear that every women carries with her whenever she is traveling for any purpose. The fear of being disrespected. Fear of being dishonoured and judged. She is working hard everyday to make her life better. She is bothering herslef so she can make a living. She is getting education so she can give this society a better Homo-sapien, a better human, a better boy who knows how to respect and treat a lady.

When I am writing I try to deliver my point concisely saving reader’s time. But today I want to go as deep as I can. Its not just topic to write about and think. Implementation is the basic step towards making this world a good place for every BEING.
☆Why Men do Wrong

•When a stranger is trying to grope a girl the reason could be her dressing but it is his fault as he decided to go for such a step that is globally acknowledged as an evil act. It was his will but where comes the error? Input; wrong input is the error as in this era of internet and social media violence exists almost on every platform. Facebook or youtube, doesn’t matters because the content that hits the market cannot be seen while sitting with your mother. And here is the wrong input being delivered. We cannot even assume the impact of a 30 seconds video on a child’s mind. We need to have an eye on what kind of content our kid is interested in but, unfortunately, we don’t have time. And then we say that we have not raised him up in such an environment. You haven’t but the mobile that you have given him as a gift do has provided him that environment.

•Parents start to differentiate from birth as Barbie dolls and kitchen toys are not for boys and remote controlled cars and drones are not for girls. Boys don’t wear pink and girls do. Boys can do whatever they like but girls have to be careful while choosing their carriers. Why??? Because we cannot be with them everytime. Instead of making them brave we make them more afraid of the society. We take away their confidence. Parents are the ones who can change this for forever. Ethnicity doesn’t matters. Rights for everyone are equal and just.
•And yes, its not all boys. But the number is too much. Feeling empowered to do what pleases them is the most deadliest boundary after which they won’t understand a human a human. For teaching respect best way is ti show respect. If we respect opposite genders our generation will too.
☆Some steps I think to be taken by you:

- We should be monitoring the activities our kids are involved in at social media.
- Be open to talk about the issues face to face with your child else someone else will destroy your chance of teaching them what you wanted to. Kids are more shy in front of parents than in their company friends. Take your chance and help them out.
- Setting clear boundaries relating to pornography and other violent sexual content is also an essential one.

- Only parents can guard their children from cruel social empire. Social circle consisting of school friends and classmates to cousins affect mentality and ideology of children. Company defines you is a powerful quote and it clarifies that if you live with five alcoholics than sixth would be you. So be aware if the child’s company as it is going to feed the programs in thier memory based on which they react.

- There are many campaigns for women which are run by other women but males should also participate in this step as its essential for every human to respect other gender.
As a conclusion I would say that women play an equal role in the progress and development of any nation. No society can proceed in the the direction of prosperity without giving its women equal rights and secure environment. At the end I want to quote a verse from Holy Quran.
Al-Qur’an 4:34
!“Men shall take full care of women with the bounties Allah has bestowed on them,
and what they may spend out of their possession; as Allah has eschewed each with
certain qualities in relation to the other.! And the righteous women are the truly devout
ones, who guard the intimacy which Allah has ordained to be guarded.”
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If you are stuck at a stage in life then you must read this article. https://link.medium.com/Ge7AuhfC8ib