Our lives, WTF

(Read the complete article IF you want to know what WTF stands for) We spent our entire lives believing in what we have learned. We don't seem to change and keep looking at everything from the same perspective. Our brains are designed to make decisions based on the inputs. The inputs are those programs that we have loaded into our memories or which our brains have made themselves accordingly to particular situations in which we find others reacting the way that we also adopt.

We never tend to think by changing our perspectives. Actually, children are more good in some cases than us as so-called “adults”. We know that if a person suddenly falls on the floor upside down we have to laugh because we have seen our elder siblings laughing. And we keep laughing our entire lives. INFACT< we need to realize that why were we laughing. In many cases in life we make decisions based on the past without realizing that certain conditions are changed as we do so. If we change our perspective and the way we see things, our lives will change wtf to WOW, THAT'S FUN

You just stepped into mud and now your new shoes are looking nasty WTF.
Some naughty children broke your window WTF.
You forgot your wallet at home and now you are standing at the counter staring at the bill and the shopkeeper staring at you WTF.
Your car is locked with the keys inside AND everyone has faced it. Somehow it is magic ugh whatever! ha WTF.
And a long list of wow that's fun continues infinitely.

But only if we try to stay aware and conscious at the moments we can discover the limitless powers of WTFS AND beside lies a long list of possible outcomes. Just be aware of the moment by living to enjoy it and every moment becomes a pleasure. Huh, That was Fun.

I wish my shoes get dirty every day so I can get that primal attention.
I wish I could be a child again and break the window of my principal’s house but when I was a child I wished to become an adult. Human nature cant be changed
Next Time I forget my wallet at home, I will try if the shopkeeper lets me eat something for free as I am hungry or at least pretend to be (But I will pay him later).
And yea If I forget my keys inside my car I will see if I can walk 6 kilometers. But I don't have a car right now.

Moments can be created if we are willing to enjoy our life enthusiastically and we can overcome the stress in all long lists of such conditions. WTF!!!
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