Negativities in MIND? , MIND THAT!
You see something as a problem and then you try to find a solution for it. But sometimes you get stuck inside the depth of your ownself, feeling like there’s no way out. Memories that often make your day stressed and your life even harder. That anxiety and stress on mind that has obvious effects on your bodies. And that mode of your brain that you sometimes have fear of getting into, but the more you try to run away from that mode, from that main reason, from that thought the more it comes over on you. That particular thought most often becomes the hardest part of your life but that’s not it only.

But there is one thing you may need to know before you move further is that if you try to understand it deeply than you will get that those memories are actually you. So you cannot fight with you and you can never forget about you. People think of what they remember for example if I ask you think about all that you have gone through since your childhood then you will realize that all that came in mind is what you only remember and that is an order, a sequence a loop that keeps on repeating that mean your brain is normal. All those memories that you think are the reason for your depression they are just being repeated again and again. You cant change past but you can learn from it and move on. This is where I myself at some point got stuck badly MOVING ON …. But only difference is of just a thought WHAT AM I SUFFERING? just take a look around you and you will see that you are better than millions. You have got senses, mind, saliva (saliva yes someone died due to deficiency of saliva. You are a human not an ant. Be grateful! Lets set a timer of five minutes and imagine your brain a separate guy who underestimates you everyday. Ask him to bring all those thoughts that he thinks will break you, all those memories that will depress you, all those mistakes that you regret for. And once all those come in say yourself that it was past YOU ARE NOW OVER & GET THE SHIT OUT OF HERE. I am best version of myself. I am ME. I am strong and I am proud to be what I am because more I felt pain, more stronger I became. Now all those things that once were meant to crumble you are mixed with the cement of your strength to build up the stairs of your success. All those millions of negative thoughts are now leading you towards happiness. Actually many not even know what happiness is. Happiness is the calmness piece and quiteness that is constant within you even if there is a storm standing your way about to blow up your car. I won’t say to try to think alot positively rather let the negativities come in and let yourself lift up.

You are stronger than you think you are. And let you control your thoughts else your thoughts will start controlling you!
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